Under The Table: An Anthropology of Corruption Podcast

Getting Our Goat with Kregg Hetherington (9/16/2022)

September 16, 2022 Aaron Ansell and Sylvia Tidey Season 1 Episode 4

Sylvia and Aaron talk to Kregg about  soy bean cultivation in Paraguay and the role of corruption and anti-corruption measures in rural land struggles.  We  discuss the encroachment of mechanized soy production into subsistence farming, the link between soy cultivation, democracy and anti-corruption, and the effects of anti-corruption measures on campesinos (peasants) who pursue land claims in Paraguay's courts.  Kregg also reflects on the ethics of patron-client relationships (a species of the corruption genus) and the depiction of these "clientelist" relationships in  ethnographic writing.

Here are some of Kregg's books:
2020 The Government of Beans: Regulating Life in the Age of monocrops. Durham: Duke University Press.

2019 Infrastructure, Environment and Life in the Anthropocene. Edited volume with Duke University Press.

2011 Guerrilla Auditors: The Politics of Transparency in neoliberal Paraguay. Durham: Duke University Press.